A couple weeks ago, our Life
Group leader asked us the question, “What does the Cross mean to you?” The
answer immediately came into my mind, but I just didn’t feel like I could
verbalize it at that moment in time without bawling my eyes out. So, instead, I
listened to other people’s answers and marveled over how the cross is so very
personal to each individual that Jesus gave His life for. I was able to say a
few remarks later in class and then had a conversation with my husband on the
way home that sort of brought it all together for me.
the question, “What does the Cross mean to you,” comes up around me, my mind
flashes back to October of 2003. I was on the tenth floor of St.Joseph’s
Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina overlooking the most beautiful view of
the mountainous city. We were in the family waiting room taking a breather from
the agony of watching my Daddy being eaten alive by cancer. His nurse came in to check on us and
also to have a chat with us. What she said absolutely took the breath out of
us. She said to my mom, “Mam, I just want you to know that what your husband is
going through right now is very much what Jesus went through on the Cross. He
is being asphyxiated and suffocating to death.”
this point, the cancer had metastasized in his entire body, including his
lungs, which were full of fluid. Pretty much daily, he had to have a hole
drilled in his back and a tube hooked up to it in order to drain the fluid out
so that he could have any chance of breathing. But, it was to no avail. It just
kept filling back up. The sound of
him gasping for air made us gasp for air as well so as not to just burst into
tears in front of him.
was so right. I knew it. My Daddy had preached on this very subject more times
than I could remember. Now he was experiencing suffocation like Jesus did. When
they hung Jesus on the Cross after already being beaten, they placed the nails
in his hands and feet, and he had to push himself up to gasp for air because
the position of his body messed with his lung capacity so much that there was
no other way to catch a breath.
often thought to myself throughout the six month and two day battle my Daddy
fought with cancer of what a vivid picture of sin it was. His battle was an
indirect result of sin because after the fall of man disease entered the world,
while others around us were experiencing direct results of sin because of wrong
choices they had made. Daddy was dying one of the most wretched deaths you
could ever imagine because sin had entered the world way back in the Garden of
Eden. From the day he was diagnosed, he said, “Why NOT me?” I can’t say the
same for myself. I asked God why a few times. He was one of the most righteous
men I knew and so many other people who were living like the Devil were just as
healthy as could be.
never know the complete reason on this side of Heaven why He chose him. But,
God’s shown me many reasons why he saw fit to trust my Daddy to die that way.
Maybe some day I can share some of the amazing God stories of people that He
has connected us with to encourage and be encouraged that have shared similar
struggles. But today, I’ll just share why He showed me more about the cross
through the death of my Daddy than He has in any other vehicle.
took on the “cancer” of the world that SHOULD have suffocated US after it had
ravaged our lives when He died on the cross for our sins. Not only did the
metastasized mess that we all made overwhelm his perfect being, it literally
took the very breath out of His body and forced Him into death. We deserved to
experience that and stay there…dead…dead in our trespasses and sins. He did it
for us, though. But that wasn’t
Daddy’s last days, he kept on saying, “Enough’s enough. Enough is enough.” Additionally,
he had an unquenchable thirst between Gatorade, Cranberry Juice, and Milk. On
November 7, 2003…God said it was, indeed, enough to this despicable disease.
kept thinking about those words he said countless times and then I realized why
they sounded so familiar. After having His last drink on earth- that of wine
vinegar-Jesus had said the same words in a different language, “
It.Is.Finished.” (John 19:30).
was finished. It? Yes, it. He had the “cancer” of the world transfused into His
body so that we could have the definition of health running through our veins.
It was dead now. Finished. Enough was enough.
a fraction of a hair before he took his last ride to the hospital, Daddy
preached His last sermon from his church office. We’ve got the video to prove
he was a bag of bones himself. Through breathless whispers in the Swannanoa
Valley, He preached the most powerful sermon of His life on Ezekiel and the
valley of dry bones.
to the Word of God for a moment, “The hand of the Lord was upon me, and he
brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley;
it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great
many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, “Son
of man, can these bones live?” I said, “O Sovereign Lord, you alone know.” Then
he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the
word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will
make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you
and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you,
and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.” (Ezekiel
Ezekiel did what the Lord had commanded him to do, but at first there was no
breath in them. So, do you know what the Lord told him to do? Prophesy to the
breath and say, “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these
slain, that they may live” (v.9). So he did. Just wait. Are you ready?!
was what the Lord said back to him, “Son of man, these bones are the whole
house of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are
cut off.’ Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord
says: O my people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I
will bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you, my people will know that I
am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. I will put my
Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then
you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the
Lord.” (11-14).
you see how this relates?! Those d-e-a-d bones of ours that were CUT OFF
because of the valley they were in…the valley of the shadow of death you know…
were made ALIVE! Why? Why? Why?! Because the Spirit of the Lord breathed on
them. That’s why. So when Jesus said it was finished on the Cross… IT WAS.
Those old dead bones that we were would be buried. Oh, but then they’d be
brought back up from the grave back to the Kingdom of God. Why? Was it just so
we could escape what we deserved from the “cancer” of this world? No. It was so
that we would know that HE IS THE LORD from His very own Spirit…the one that He
had given up along with His last breath and that our life would be His own.
know what Daddy’s closing words were in his last sermon? “Breathe on me, breath
of God.” Those old cancer ridden bones of His will rise from the grave some day
when Jesus comes back. But those old sin bones of his… they’re gone… and He’s
feeling the wind of the breath of God right now. That’s going to happen for me
too some day and for you too, if you’ve asked Him to breathe new Life into you.
breath of God respired into a bag of bones where enough is enough…
that’s what
the Cross means to me.
Emily, I will try this again.
Oh my precious Emily, you have remembered so well and have written so vividly about our soul-wrenching times with daddy. He would be so proud of you as I am that you are not wasting your sorrows. Psalm 84:6 means much to me: when they walk through the valley of weeping it will become a place of refreshing springs, where pools of blessing collect after the rains! The man on the left was my handsome husband. The man on the right was him in an even more precious form because I watched him live out his faith in the most agonizing battle. He skyrocketed in my estimation as he submitted his desire to live to our Heavenly Father's perfect will. It does my weary heart good to watch you walk faithfully in The Way daddy and I taught you. With gratitude to God and love to you always, mama
I remember hearing your speak at his funeral. My dad and I both agreed that your words were more powerful than any of the many preachers who spoke that day. You must have your dad's gift. I never heard him preach and would like to watch or hear audio/video of him preaching sometime.
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